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Microban Professional Multi-Purpose Cleaner, Citrus Scent - PGC47415
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Microban Professional Multi-Purpose Cleaner, Citrus Scent - PGC47415

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Microban 24 Multi-Purpose Cleaner kills 99.9% of bacteria and the viruses that cause flu and COVID-19, for up to 24 hours, even after multiple touches. This multi-purpose cleaner is great for everyday messes and is suitable for use around the home in high-touch areas. This powerful formula penetrates soap scum and greasy soils while reducing odors. To kill 99.9% of viruses for 24 hours: Preclean visibly soiled surfaces. Hold container 6"-8" from surface and spray until thoroughly wet. For use only on hard, nonporous nonfood contact surfaces. Allow to air dry without wiping. Reapply if surface is scrubbed.

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