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Ladybug Land By Insect Lore
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Ladybug Land - ILP2100

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Raise your very own ladybugs with the Original Ladybug Land With Voucher. The larvae will grow and molt several times, pupate, and then emerge as adult Pink Spotted Ladybugs. Watch your special ladybugs explore their mountainous habitat for a few days - then set them free in outdoors. This educational kit includes a voucher to redeem online when you are ready to receive your ladybug larvae. When you know you are ready to begin your project, simply redeem your voucher online at InsectLore.com. Your tube of 10 to 12 ladybug larvae will arrive at your door within a few days. The Original Ladybug Land With Voucher Includes: Attractive diorama style habitat. Original Ladybug Land Instruction Guide. Built-in magnifying lid so you can watch your ladybugs' every move. Water reservoir " volcano" provides a watering area for your ladybugs. Pipette. Voucher to redeem online at InsectLore.com for 10 to 12 ladybug larvae and all the food they need to grow into adult ladybugs (a small shipping and handling fee is required upon redemption)
A family and classroom favorite, Insect Lore's Original Ladybug Land With Voucher is the only ladybug life cycle kit available. It provides a fascinating learning experience for ages 4 and up - and yes, ladybug larvae really do look like little alligators. Your larvae will get to work, busily eating, drinking, molting, and exploring the ladybug landscape. Once they've eaten their fill, they'll find a comfortable spot in their habitat to pupate and begin the exciting change from larvae to adult ladybug. About a week later (depending on temperatures in your area), your shiny ladybugs will emerge, but give them a few hours to develop their trademark spots. Observe and feed your ladybugs for a few days and then let them go to continue their incredible life cycle.

Related Information
  • See all of our Animal Studies and Science for more teacher supplies like the Ladybug Land ILP2100 Animal Studies.
  • Visit our teaching supplies publisher and manufacturer departments to see more products we carry from Insect Lore .
  • This product is also listed in our teacher supplies catalog as product codes ILP02100,INS2100,INSILP2100.
  • UPC: 0735569021004

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