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Economy Correction Tape - CHL72394

Economy Correction Tape By Charles Leonard
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Description Why Buy From K12

Sideways application provides easier use and promotes higher accuracy. Write or type immediately, with no drying time. No mess, odor, or fax and copy shadow. Wind up mechanism, makes for easy tape adjustment. White tape, non-acid and non-refillable.

Related Information
  • See all of our Misc. and Supplies for more teacher supplies like the Economy Correction Tape CHL72394 Misc..
  • Visit our teaching supplies publisher and manufacturer departments to see more products we carry from Charles Leonard .
  • This product is also listed in our teacher supplies catalog as product codes LEO72394,LEOCHL72394.
  • UPC: 0026487723942

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Product Economy Correcton Tape - CHL72394 March 4, 2019
Reviewer: Rosalee Haines from Atwater OH USA  
The service and shipping was so good. I had looked all over for the Charles Leonard correction tape, because I love the way you and rotate the tape.  I don't remember where I had gotten it and have checked in so many stores an couldn't find them. I bought some for myself and to use at work.

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