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Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 - SIM9780689858819

Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 By Ingram Book Distributor
Our Price: $18.89
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Description Why Buy From K12

1 told 2
and 2 told 3,
" I'll race you to the top
of the apple tree."

One hundred and one numbers climb the apple tree in this bright, rollicking, joyous book for young children. As the numerals pile up and bumblebees threaten, what's the number that saves the day? (Hint: It rhymes with " hero." ) Read and count and play and laugh to learn the surprising answer.

Related Information
  • See all of our Classroom Favorites and Childrens Books for more teacher supplies like the Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 SIM9780689858819 Classroom Favorites.
  • Visit our teaching supplies publisher and manufacturer departments to see more products we carry from Ingram Book Distributor .
  • This product is also listed in our teacher supplies catalog as product codes 9780689858819,INB978068985881,INB9780689858819,INBSIM9780689858819.
  • UPC: 9780689858819

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